Shipping & Delivery

1. Does UCCIYO ship internationally?

We are delighted to offer worldwide shipping to over 200 countries and islands across the globe. To ensure the fastest possible delivery, we employ a range of carefully selected carriers.

2. How long does the shipping and processing take?

You can expect to receive timely updates and tracking information through the contact method we have on file once your order has been processed. Typically, this process takes 1-3 business days, excluding weekends and holidays. Please note that for custom orders, additional time may be needed, approximately 8-12 days, to ensure the highest quality and personalization. Rest assured, we are committed to providing you with the best service and keeping you informed every step of the way.Shipping Time within the United States is handled through USPS and generally takes an average of 3-6 business days.

3. Will I be charged duties, taxes and any other fees?

Typically, your parcel should not incur any additional duties or taxes. However, in the rare event that you are charged, we kindly advise you to reach out to your local customs authorities and settle the fees accordingly. Please be aware that these charges are beyond our control, as customs policies can differ from one country to another. Your support and understanding in such situations are greatly appreciated.